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Genoa’s annual art celebration celebrates the healing power of art

May 30th, 2024

Consumers can submit their artwork to Genoa’s celebration from June 1 – July 31.

“Taking time to make art means taking time for myself,” says Genoa Healthcare® consumer MJ.

For the past 12 years, Genoa has celebrated the healing power of art by hosting an annual art celebration for the people we serve. Consumers can share their original portraits, landscapes, still lifes and more to this year’s celebration from June 1 – July 31.

“To us, the people we serve are more than just consumers,” says Todd Gustin, Genoa’s chief executive officer. “The art celebration helps us celebrate them, their talents and the mental health benefits of creating art.”

According to an article published by the Mayo Clinic, artistic expression like that used in creative arts therapy can help treat mental health conditions by improving focus, assisting with processing emotions, improving communication and increasing self-esteem. “It’s an outlet and an anchor for my mental health,” says Brad R., Genoa consumer. “It helps me relax and stay in the moment so that I can focus upon it instead of the negative.”

For some, expressing themselves through art is a profound way to communicate difficult or hard-to-define thoughts and feelings they would be unable to express otherwise. According to an article in the Smithsonian magazine, when people have a hard time putting feelings into words, drawing, painting, sculpting and more can help them unlock their emotions, translate them and share what they’re going through with those around them. “Art gives me the freedom to express myself,” says another Genoa consumer, Shontelle C.

Because art can help improve the well-being of individuals and the broader community, Genoa showcases featured artists on its website, social media, wall calendar and more. Every year, more and more people submit to Genoa’s annual art celebration. That means more people are experiencing the mental health benefits of making art, and that’s something we all can celebrate.

Click here to learn more and submit your artwork by July 31.

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