A higher level of pharmacy care
Compassionate, customized pharmacy care for people living with complex conditions

People-first, full-service pharmacy
Supporting and celebrating people living with mental health and other complex conditions
It takes time to manage complicated medication plans. Genoa Healthcare can help by providing a full range of pharmacy services designed to fit the unique needs of people living with complex conditions. Located within mental health and other clinics, Genoa pharmacists take time to get to know the people they serve, and the doctors who care for them. Get started with specialty pharmacy support near you.
pharmacies across 47 states plus D.C.
consumer encounters per year
medication adherence rates
consumer net promoter score

All your medications in one place
It’s easy to move all your medications to Genoa
Move all your medications to one place, while getting care from a pharmacist who partners with your doctors to make it easy for you to get — and stay on — your medications.
They make me feel like they know and care for me.
Genoa Healthcare has been wonderful for me. The staff is so caring, and it’s so convenient to get my medication.
Offer Genoa pharmacy services to your clinic or community
A pharmacist on your care team
Adding Genoa pharmacy services to your clinic or community can improve outcomes and provide support to your staff, all while achieving top-notch results, like:
- 90%+ medication adherence rate
- 40% fewer hospitalizations and 18% fewer ER visits
- 93 consumer net promoter score
Want to see those results at your clinic?
URAC accreditation
Our commitment to quality care
We are proud to have received URAC accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy at twenty-three of our pharmacies in Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. URAC, the gold standard in health care accreditation, demonstrates our commitment to providing quality on-site specialty pharmacy care for our consumers and partners.

Let’s talk
Committed to making your life easier
Whether you need someone to lean on, or the people you serve need extra help staying on track with their treatment, Genoa Healthcare can help. Contact us today to get started.