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Serving our Communities During the Pandemic

May 10th, 2021

An Increased Need for Mental Health Services

A recent poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that four in 10 U.S. adults reported symptoms of anxiety or depression amid the pandemic, up from one in 10 adults in 2019.

Factors like isolation, loss of income, fear and grief have led to this increase, according to the World Health Organization, resulting in an increased demand for mental health services.

Genoa Healthcare Pharmacist Ginger Clark has seen firsthand the pandemic’s impact on her consumers.

“(They) have definitely been affected by COVID-19,” said Clark. “Being homebound and not having that socialization has been very tough on them.”

Clark’s pharmacy, located within Horizon Health & Wellness in Casa Grande, Arizona, serves a high population of consumers with mental illness. Learn what recent availability of COVID-19 vaccine for Genoa’s consumers means to her—and to other pharmacists and mental health care providers—in the video below.

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