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Preparing for the COVID-19 Vaccine

Dec 22nd, 2020

Learn How Your Organization Can Prepare for the COVID-19 Vaccine

Click above to read the guide.

As of mid-December 2020, more than 72 million cases of COVID-19 have been recorded worldwide, leading to over 1.6 million deaths.

The development of effective vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, has been anxiously anticipated since the onset of the pandemic, and the recent distribution of two vaccines brings hope to—and questions from—health care organizations.

Health care organizations, including long-term care facilities and behavioral health centers, are closely monitoring the development and distribution of vaccines. On their minds: protecting both their front-line health care workers and their consumers, many of them living with chronic, complex health conditions.

Read this guide to learn about the status of the most promising vaccines in development or currently available, and how and when distribution is likely to occur.

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