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Meeting needs and making days: How Genoa does pharmacy care differently

Jul 12th, 2023

It’s not often you hear that someone looks forward to a pharmacy visit. But for one Genoa consumer, it’s a day-brightener every time she stops in.

Dorothy has used the Waterford, Michigan Genoa Healthcare pharmacy located within CNS Healthcare for nearly two decades. Over the years, she’s developed a close relationship with her pharmacy team.

“Genoa is amazing. The people that work there – they make you feel so comfortable and loved,” says Dorothy. “They just brighten my day every time I come in here.”

Genoa specializes in caring for people living with complex conditions, including behavioral health conditions and substance use disorder.

By serving individuals in the same facility in which they receive their care, Genoa makes it easier for consumers to get the medications they need. This convenience — coupled with other offerings, like pre-filled pill organizers, medication adherence calls and free medication mailing — drives improved health outcomes for consumers. People using Genoa experience 90% medication adherence rates compared to 50% at traditional retail pharmacies and have 18% fewer emergency room visits and 40% fewer hospitalizations.1

For Dorothy’s pharmacist, Ryan Grant, PharmD, providing meaningful pharmacy care starts with getting to know his consumers and their basic needs.

“We’re in an underserved community, so if someone needs water or snacks, they know they can come to Genoa and that’s something we can help them with,” he says. “If they have questions about housing insecurity, we can refer them to people that are able to assist.”

Niya, a registered nurse at CNS Healthcare, sees first-hand the difference having a Genoa pharmacy on site has for the people she serves.

“Ryan and his pharmacy team have been a wonderful asset to our care team,” Niya says. “They are always friendly, always kind, always willing and ready to address the needs of our clients. It makes my job so much easier.”

Watch the video below to hear Dorothy’s story and discover the impact of Genoa’s unique, hands-on approach to pharmacy care.

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Want to learn more about offering Genoa pharmacy services to your consumers? Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

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1. Wright, W. A., Gorman, J. M., Odorzynski, M., Peterson, M. J., & Clayton, C. (2016). Integrated Pharmacies at Community Mental Health Centers: Medication Adherence and Outcomes. Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy22(11), 1330–1336. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2016.16004

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