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Genoa pharmacist makes connections through music

Oct 4th, 2022

When Genoa Healthcare® Pharmacist Christine Baker began assisting a rural doctor’s office by administering long-acting injectable treatments at the pharmacy, she met an 18-year-old woman with schizophrenia who touched her heart through an unexpected connection.

Baker could tell the consumer was facing a personal battle as she kept headphones in her ears and her head down during the first few appointments. On her third visit, Baker asked her what she was listening to and if she could share two of her favorite songs from the playlist. The next time the consumer came in, Baker shared two of her favorite songs – the beginning of a new tradition.

“I love music, it’s a great way for me to be able to express myself,” said Baker. “It was fun to connect with somebody like that and I’ve seen the consumer get out of her shell – it makes me so happy every time I see her.”

Almost a year later, they continue to exchange music recommendations and grow their playlists—other staff members have started joining in on the fun, too.

“Most of the time, being an expert in medicine isn’t what makes someone feel important,” Baker said. “They appreciate that we are experts in medicine – but first they want to know that we see them as a person. That’s what I remind myself before I meet with someone – my eyes are up, my smile is up and my head is up. I am as engaged as I can be.”

A couple months into receiving her injections, the consumer started a new job, entered a relationship and continues to travel to visit friends. Baker said now she enjoys seeing her on shot day almost as much as the consumer enjoys the life she now has, thanks to her treatment.

For Baker, that’s what it’s all about – meeting consumers right where they are to help make an impact in their lives.

Interested in learning more about long-acting injectable treatments? Our Genoa Healthcare pharmacists work with consumers to counsel and monitor the use of the medication, and administer where available. For more information, visit our long-acting injectables page.

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