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340B 101: What your clinic needs to know

Apr 11th, 2024

For qualified clinics and organizations, the 340B Drug Pricing Program offers savings on prescription drug costs, helping boost offerings and outcomes for people who need it most.

Wondering if your organization qualifies for the 340B Program and what the first steps are for getting started? Check out these need-to-know eligibility and registration requirements.

What’s 340B?

Established in 1992, the 340B Program was created to meet the needs of underserved populations and the organizations that care for them.

As a part of the program, pharmaceutical companies offer discounted outpatient medications to organizations serving a high population of people who are uninsured or underinsured. Participating organizations – called covered entities – can use these savings to offer more comprehensive services and care for more eligible patients.

Savings on drug costs can then fund additional clinical offerings like free or discounted medication for qualifying consumers, prevention services, mental health and substance use treatment, food, transportation and housing support, and more.

Is your organization eligible?

Certain hospitals and grantees from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) are eligible to participate in the 340B Program.

Curious if your organization qualifies? See below for a list of eligible entities and click here to discover the requirements for each.

Federally Qualified Health Centers

  • Health Center Program Award Recipients
  • Health Center Program Look-Alikes
  • Native Hawaiian Health Centers
  • Tribal / Urban Indian Health Centers

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantees

  • Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Grantees


  • Children’s Hospitals
  • Critical Access Hospitals
  • Disproportionate Share Hospitals
  • Free Standing Cancer Hospitals
  • Rural Referral Centers
  • Sole Community Hospitals

Specialized Clinics

  • Black Lung Clinics
  • Comprehensive Hemophilia Diagnostic Treatment Centers
  • Title X Family Planning Clinics
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics
  • Tuberculosis Clinics

Ready to register?

To get started, your organization will register for the 340B Program – which only occurs once a quarter – and commit to meeting and maintaining requirements set by HRSA and the 340B Office of Pharmacy Affairs Information System (OPAIS).

During the registration process, your team will gather and upload necessary supporting documentation and prepare your contract pharmacy agreements.

Many organizations choose to dispense 340B medication to patients by partnering with a contract pharmacy, like Genoa Healthcare. Genoa has specialized in 340B dispensing for over 20 years, securing maximum reimbursements and providing high-touch pharmacy care to over 100 covered entities across the U.S. The organization even offers dedicated account managers to its 340B partners, who provide one-on-one support during the registration and annual recertification process and help entities navigate the 340B landscape.

What next?

Once approved, your team will receive an email that confirms your entity’s enrollment in the 340B Program. In it, you’ll be assigned a 340B identification number and the date you can begin purchasing the discounted medication.

Be sure to regularly verify that your entity’s information is current in the 340B OPAIS. Remember to notify OPAIS if there is a change in your eligibility and be prepared to recertify your entity annually.

Ready to get started or learn more?

As experts in 340B, Genoa Healthcare pharmacy partners with entities across the country to provide best-in-class pricing and high-touch care to the people they serve.

Want to learn more about 340B and how Genoa can support your organization? Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.

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About the author

Genoa Healthcare Vice President of Partnerships and Client Success, Reena Neumann, PharmD, MBA, oversees Genoa’s customer relationships and 340B Program partnerships. Along with managing Genoa’s social responsibility, health equity and strategic partnership efforts, Reena is responsible for collaborating and integrating Genoa’s 340B program with the Optum 340B team.  

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